Friday, April 30, 2010

New project

So much for more sewing.  Master 4 has been sick so I have been cleaning up after him which has sadly not left much time for sewing.  Hopefully tonight after both of them have gone to bed!  Anyhow, even though I shouldn't even think about new projects until the long list of UFO's is completed, I have to share this new pattern with you.  I am waiting for Bev from to return from the Melbourne Quilt Exhibition (lucky things) to source the pattern for me and then will probably go into mass production!  I love them!  I will post pictures when they are done - it might be in a couple of months but I'll get round to it!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cow Quilt

I thought this was the best picture to use as my profile! I have been collecting cows for a long time and Mum bought me some cow flannel fabrics. They sat in my stash for a few years before I could decide what to make with them. I made (with Mum's help) a shabby/shaggy quilt for my lap in the lounge. It's just the right size to cover my legs and toes and will be great as the weather gets cooler. This quilt was on my list of UFO's to finish in 2010 and was gladly crossed off about 2 weeks ago! Now off to feed the family and get back to some more sewing.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hmmm, where to start. If you read my profile you will find out the reasons for beginning a blog. I guess the first thing to do is find a nice photo to put up? Hmmm, that might be hard. I will look tomorrow and post one then, and maybe find some photos of some of the already finished projects of 2010!